Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Kendall!

I know, I'm late.  In my defense we were out of town with some family in the Ozarks and celebrated Kendall's birthday while we were gone.  Ever since we have been back I have been all messed up on my days and I don't know what is going on half the time.  So forgive me and here we go.....

Happy 7th Birthday my beautiful first born.  From the moment I held you I knew you were a force to be reckoned with.  You amaze me with your energy and keep my laughing with your witty one liners.  You are passionate, inquisitive, and thoughtful.  You light up the whole room with your smile.  Everyone thinks you are the sweetest thing that's ever walked the face of this earth (and you use that to your advantage, LOL).  You are a great big sister and a wonderful daughter.  Even though it pains me to see you grow up so fast, I am thankful to God that you are becoming such a fine young lady.

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